Thursday, May 22, 2008


Ah, it's like gasping breaths of air after being stuck under the inflatable shark at the city pool for 30 seconds (it happened). That's another instance where some kind of relativity occurs in your brain, a dilation of sorts. The giant wall clock shows 30 seconds have passed, but your mind leaves you with the indelible impression that the half-minute you spent without air surely was more like 5 minutes. The main contributor to this difference in reference frames is, of course, the fear of drowning, followed closely with all the other scary thoughts entering the mind of a 10 year-old who's carelessly fallen into 3 feet of munckin-infested water beneath 20 pounds of shark-shaped, plastic-bound atmosphere.

I'm back. That's the short of it. When last I bloggered my thoughts here, I proclaimed my rejection of all things coffee (horns blare triumphantly). I lasted about two-and-a-half weeks, had all-night academic bonanza into the wonders of Statistical Mechanics, and promptly drank a pot of dark energy. This is the substance astrophysicists have been seeking to tie the laws of nature and the universe into closed loops of physical harmony. Dark matter hid itself in coffee beans, because it knew we were searching for it, and it contrived a most amusing scheme: provide wakefulness and concentration to the scientists diligently seeking the same material they percolate and ingest whilst working late. Sneaky dark matter. That whole inexplicable acceleration of stellar expansion is a ruse, put on by dark matter's loony counterpart, the graviton. For a tangent, this isn't that bad.

Back to coherence. I've been out of the blogosphere for a while, visiting plants and trees, textbooks and exams, friends and the bottoms of beer bottles, steins, mugs, and the occasional vase-used-as-a-cup-because-no-one-did-the-dishes. Cheers!

It's all summery now. The fans run all night, frisbees fly, constant sunshine (California stole our true name!) fills the land with light, beautiful vistas abound (with the certain exception of the new Microsoft OS), and there's green green green on everything. It's a time of year that affects me the same as caffeine. I just can't wait to get outside, bursting with energy and fidgeting like a drunk vying for an immediate time share with the porcelain alter.

I've got a laptop now and will be posting on it soon. As summer gains momentum, blogging will become much more attractive on this new bit of hardware. I can squeeze grass between my toes and feel the warmth of Colorado photons bombarding my skin, all while typing these thoughts over the wireless junction to the blogiverse. Hooray mobile computing! Hooray Colorado! Hooray beer! Boo bird-who-shat-on-me!

I don't feel deep, contemplative, or ingenuous this morning, just exhilarated in the new day. I want to share some of this energetic high with you, Dear Reader. These moments lighten all the soul baggage, the bad dreams, the despairing notion of "What's the point?" I like these moments. Here, have some of them, there's plenty for you.