Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunny Sunday, 'Bad' vibrations, Telmore, Skype Critically Acclaimed!

It's been sunny today. The clouds here hang low and move fast across the airspace, and the brightness level is always changing. Gold fades to grey and streaks back into brilliant yellow again in seconds. After a week of nothing but dull wet wool-colored sky, it's a nice reprieve.

My work at Risø is intensifying. I'm finding myself humbled each day by how little I know, and how smart all these people are here. I don't like spending most of my work week reading this paper and that thesis, but I've accepted that's how it's got to be for now, maybe even for the next couple months. I'm in sponge mode, full gear.

I've so far found the Danish weekend party scene to last till 4 or 5am. At my old apartment on Voldgården, Peter and Laurids would be out till at least this hour (I wasn't there long enough to experience a party at our residence). Last night, my upstairs neighbors put on American rap music and electronica till these wee hours, and so I didn't get much sleep. I thought about making some noise of my own, but gave up and passed out around 2. When I woke again at 4, to renewed volume from above, I nearly lost it, but was too tired to care. What a night!

I got a cell phone for local use here, from a Danish internet-based phone company, Telmore. The payments amount to $18/month and with a six month plan (convenient for my time here) the phone itself cost $0.17. Sweet deal, though I don't have many people to call yet. There's a party at Copenhagen Business School this week, and one of my new friends here invited me, so maybe my phonebook will grow. I haven't yet figured out how to navigate all its functions; my Danish still isn't very good, and I don't have the energy or time to type the user manual into Google translator. For now, I'm ride the learning curve.

I miss you all back in CO and the States (and others of you in far-off Australia). The mountains, snow, and English advertisements come to mind first. Thank God for Skype. It's been a real blessing to talk for so cheap (0.13 DKK/minute) to friends and family the States. Fellow Skype users, my online name is rorschachfish. For those of you in Colorado, or those willing to take some long-distance charges, my Skype local number is 303-731-5088. You can call this number and pay what you normally would calling any other 303 number, and it comes straight to my computer. So give me a ring sometime, I'd love to hear from you. Just keep in mind your 3pm is my 11pm, but I'll pick up if I can! I think my answering machine's in English, but I'm not sure...

The sun is setting and its dimming rays glint off the third and fourth-floor windows across the street. My first full month here is nearly over. New adventures tomorrow!

Adios and much Love to you all.

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